La Lutiniere

Blog du site

Publié le par *Sylvie Ptitsa*


Traduction des paroles en italien



Wind from the east is blowing soft over the land

Among the prayers at dawn, and the distant motors grind

We must open up our eyes, get out of bed and hear the call

But still without an answer to it all


We must function, and deliver

Flowing helpless down the stream

On a highway, on a train

We’re ruled by laws of the machine

And when our soul starts singing, we’re taught to never heed the call

Convinced there is no answer to it all


It’s not easy to awake

And in the mirror, to remove

The armor that has gnawed on all that’s pure and good

Standing naked, open hearted

With our backs against the wall

We still don’t have an answer to it all


Where is all the goodness? all the gentle words to speak?

If we listen to our hearts, we lose the game, we’re seen as weak

We are partners, sisters, brothers

No one leads more than the other

Tiny pieces of the answer that we seek


Generations ask the questions

For our children, what remains ?

Will their rivers too be poisoned by the greed and pain

The earth has offered blessings, sun will rise and rain will fall

But we still don’t have an answer to it all


But we can still choose to believe

We haven’t reached the darkest night

And understand that all we need

Are eyes that dare to see the light


Can we bravely gather round

And stand before the metal gate

To release, and to embrace

And clean our hearts of all the hate ?

Our prayers at early dawn will wake compassion from her sleep

For we can only find the answer

When we meet



Music & Lyrics by Yael Deckelbaum

Translation from Hebrew to English: Noa

Guitar & Vocals : Yael Deckelbaum

Drum & Vocals: Noa

Acoustic guitar: Gil Dor


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